Saturday, January 24, 2009

True beauty....

EV:" You know, they’re chasing this fake rabbit. And every once in a while, one of these dogs—the one who is very fast—catches and bites the rabbit. And that dog is hurt. He bleeds; sometimes they break their jaws and teeth. And they’re suffering; they’re in pain. And that dog will never race again in its life, because he realizes he was chasing a lie. But the sad part is that the other dogs end up chasing that rabbit forever. "

These are the words of Eduardo Verastegui, A Mexican actor which I have new found respect this interview which he did for "Past the Popcorn" a movie website, he explains how many of us live our lives and how we define success. To many it's empty and more about reaching superficial success, finding superficial love and going day by day living a meaningless life. This was an interesting analogy he used and thought i would share it. I watched two beautiful movies today one he stars in "Bella" and the other was "Brick Lane" which also had a wonderful cast of actors. I was very touched by both films and I highly recommend them, they show the beauty of humanity and touch on subjects universal to all of us....sadly I watched "Slumdog Millionaire" last night but was so tired from work earlier in the day that I slept through the middle part of the movie :( , the parts I did see were great and I hope to catch it on DVD once it comes out...a blessed weekend to all. Much love!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

And a new year begins....

Well a new year has begun and I've thought to maybe enter daily lessons on here since I haven't really kept up with my blog. I've been really busy at my new job, which I'm loving and hating at the same time. I love my little patients, but I hate how inexperienced I feel going into this new venture! I'm currently working in the Pediatric Emergency room for a major county hospital and being that we are a trauma center we take in pretty hefty cases...which really scares me, but I'll hopefully continue to receive good training to let me be on my way to be the best damn er nurse I can be!!

This year I hope to make new and interesting friends, I'd like to find more substance and intellect in individuals. I find myself bored at the moment and unable to grow in the current friendships I have. I've started the process by looking for fun and interesting things to do around town. An interesting event I stumbled upon was the Downtown Artwalk in downtown Los Angeles. It was such a fun event, full of (of course art) and culture, just what the spirit needs at the moment! I can't wait for more fun events to attend, the year is young and we will see....Happy Birthday to my dear friend Ben, I hope one day he realizes what a special person he is and lets his self worth be determined by who he is and not what he believes other perceive him to be...xoxo

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

,,,, on the brightside

Well, I'm officially a nurse! I received my first job yesterday and things are starting to look up :)The NCLEX was a nightmare, and studying for it was even worse!! I had a horrible cancer scare the month leading up to my exam and was unable to study, being paralyzed in fear of what was going to happen to me. Thankfully that's all it was, was a scare I'm for the most part healthy and very grateful for it! I've done alot of thinking and I've begun an inventory of what is in my life at the moment. On further evaluation, I realized there is alot of toxic waste that needs to be disposed of, ranging from relationships to unhealthy habits. "Values determine your convictions, conflict tests your faith and detours test our callings.." Steve Snook Pastor Metro Church, Santa Monica, Ca. " "The purpose of testing is to purify us.." , also by the same pastor. I took these words to heart because they really rang true to me in what I've succumb to these past 8 yrs since moving away from home. As the good word says "Blessed is the man who persevered after trial..". Well I hope I am that person, I feel like a different person. I've done alot of growing this year, it was mostly pushed on me but I'm finally deciding on who I want to be. I had left my values that my parents had instilled in me behind, but I now find strength in them and will stubbornly live by them no matter what. I've once again gained self respect and have found the pride that was once taken from me from someone who deserved little if any of my time or love, and is the first of many to be removed from my life for good. I'm thankful to God for all he's given me, including the tests I've been through. I'm thankful for the health of my family and son, and for having them all in my life. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I'm hours away from my big day and i feel completely unprepared. I've been bogged down with health issues and sometimes i wish i would've postponed this, but I have to do what i have to do. I leave it up to God, but i know i could've done a better job of preparing myself for this. I'm restless and unable to sleep, pray is all i can do now....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happiness Around the World

Thanks to my friend Cheri Haynes for sending me this link/email this morning and helping me smile. I received a health scare exactly a week today and I'm not certain of my future and have found very little reasons to smile, but this certainly did put a smile on my face. I 'm sharing this with all of you, hope you enjoy it! Much love, peace and happiness!


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Living Alone Is Hard" The Bigger Picture by Mindy Kaling

I read this this morning and found it hilarious and in parts true.....enjoy

"Living Alone Is Hard
(Kelly Kapoor on The Office)Add this page to favoritesBy Mindy Kaling
More from Marie Claire

Here's a true story about me: I keep a plastic bottle of water near my bed at night so I can stay hydrated. Hydration is the key to great skin and being thin and lots of life's other happinesses, according to the many, many women's health magazines I subscribe to. So, one night, I drank a big gulp of water from my water bottle, turned off the light, and went to sleep, very pleased with myself. In the middle of the night, I heard a gunshot and immediately peed my pants. Well, to be accurate, I peed my pajamas. For those of you who haven't had the experience of peeing yourself, it's not just for children and the elderly. It can happen to anyone who is terrified and thinks that they will be murdered shortly. Well, it wasn't a gunshot. It was an indentation in my plastic water bottle un-indenting itself, loudly. It made a loud, plastic-y crack,, which I mistook for a gunshot. When I realized this, I felt relief ... then a deep foolishness. Living alone is hard. Don't get me wrong, living alone can be wonderful. I listen to the same Jordin Sparks song on repeat and no one tells me how irritating that is. I don't have to wear deodorant. I can wear granny underpants, my hair can be stringy, and I can eat directly from containers. I have autonomy. I'm like a Lost Boy from Peter Pan. Since I have to be in makeup at 6 a.m. every morning for work, having no one see me when I get home is an amazing freedom. Also, by not having a roommate, I avoid friendship-ending arguments about house messiness (to be accurate, about how I am largely responsible for the house messiness).But since I'm a chatty, tactile person, it can also get incredibly lonely. When my New York–based boyfriend, Ben, is in town, this solves a lot of loneliness problems. But not danger problems. Ben is great, but he looks like a thinner version of Beck (himself a pretty skinny dude), so he's not a huge insurance policy against prowlers. Since I moved into my house, I've had some massive fraidy-cat moments almost daily — people knocking on my door to welcome me to the neighborhood, children trying to sell me magazines or cookies or get me to sign something. So I've had to become a little more brave. Mostly I pretend I'm Jodie Foster in Panic Room. Or Jodie Foster in any movie. Jodie Foster is always single-handedly fending off baddies. I also learned two key self-defense moves, about which I'm not going to go into detail lest people learn my secrets (hint: One involves groin damage, the other, arm-socket damage). Last, I bought a deafening alarm for my key chain, which I've set off when riffling through my purse, and it scares the living crap out of me, so I'm confident it will work in a time of duress. As frightening as it can be, I treasure my time alone. Why? I can be as self-interested as I please. I'm 29, and as I feel myself drifting toward marriage and kids, I'll look back on this time as a delicious, tiny window where I got to do whatever I wanted. Including, as it turns out, peeing my pajamas in terror. "

Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My playlist

I'm so excited! I added a new playlist to my blog and most of these songs mean something to me, but alot of them i also just like to listen to, enjoy!!